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词汇 account


Word family nounaccountabilityaccountablenessaccountancyaccountantaccountantshipaccountingadjectiveaccountableadverbaccountablyverbaccount
ac·count1 /əˈkaʊnt/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countableC]  
1 description 描述 a written or spoken description that says what happens in an event or process 叙述,描写,报道
account of
 He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened.
blow-by-blow account (=a description of all the details of an event in the order that they happened) 一五一十的叙述
 a blow-by-blow account of how England lost to Portugal
 Chomsky’s account of how children learn their first language
eye-witness/first-hand account (=a description of events by someone who saw them) 目击者的/第一手的描述
 Eye-witness accounts told of the unprovoked shooting of civilians.
 This gives a first-hand account of the war.
2 at a bank 在银行 (written abbreviation a/c or acct.) an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so that you can pay more in or take money out 账户
 My salary is paid into my bank account.
 I’ve opened an account with Barclay’s Bank.
 My husband and I have a joint account (=one that is shared between two people).
bank account, checking account, current account, deposit account, profit and loss account, savings account
3 take account of something  (also take something into account)THINK ABOUT to consider or include particular facts or details when making a decision or judgment about something 考虑到某事,把某事考虑进去
 These figures do not take account of changes in the rate of inflation.
You say:
We will take your views into account.
Don’t say: We will take your views in account.
Examples from the Corpus
4 on account of something BECAUSEbecause of something else, especially a problem or difficulty 因为某事,由于某事
 She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem.
Examples from the Corpus
5 accounts 
a) [plural]BF an exact record of the money that a company has received and the money it has spent 账目
 The accounts for last year showed a profit of $2 million.
b) [uncountableU]BBC a department in a company that is responsible for keeping records of the amount of money spent and received 〔公司的〕财务部
 Eileen works in accounts.
Examples from the Corpus
6. on account PAY FORif you buy goods on account, you take them away with you and pay for them later 赊账
7 PAY FORwith a shop/company 商店/公司 an arrangement that you have with a shop or company, which allows you to buy goods or use a service now and pay for them later 〔可先使用后付款的〕赊欠账户 SYN credit account
 Can you charge this to my account please?
 an unlimited-use Internet account
8 bill 账单 a statement that shows how much money you owe for things you have bought from a shop 账单 SYN bill
pay/settle your account (=pay what you owe) 付账/结账
 James left the restaurant, settling his account by credit card.
9 arrangement to sell goods 售货安排 an arrangement to sell goods and services to another company over a period of time 〔一段时间内的〕交易安排
 Our sales manager has secured several big accounts recently.
10 by/from all accounts SAY/STATEaccording to what a lot of people say 根据各方面所说
 It has, from all accounts, been a successful marriage.
Examples from the Corpus
11 on somebody’s account BECAUSEif you do something on someone’s account, you do it because you think they want you to 为了某人的缘故
 Please don’t change your plans on my account.
12 on your own account INDEPENDENT PERSONby yourself or for yourself 靠自己;为自己
 Carrie decided to do a little research on her own account.
Examples from the Corpus
13 on no account/not on any account ADVISEused when saying that someone must not, for any reason, do something 决不,绝对不
 On no account must you disturb me.
Examples from the Corpus
14 by somebody’s own account SAY/STATEaccording to what you have said, especially when you have admitted doing something wrong 据某人自己所说
 Bentley was, by his own account, over-sensitive to criticism.
Examples from the Corpus
15 on that account/on this account ABOUTconcerning a particular situation 由于那个/这个缘故
 There needn’t be any more worries on that account.
16 give a good/poor account of yourself PERFORMto do something or perform very well or very badly 表现好/表现差
 Kevin gave a good account of himself in today’s game.
Examples from the Corpus
17 bring/call somebody to account formal to force someone who is responsible for a mistake or a crime to explain publicly why they did it and punish them for it if necessary 追究某人的责任
 The people responsible for the accident have never been brought to account.
Examples from the Corpus
18 put/turn something to good account formal to use something for a good purpose 善用某物,充分利用某物
 Perhaps she could put some of her talents to good account by helping us.
Examples from the Corpus
19 of no/little account formal not important 不重要,没关系
 As she grew up, her father was of no account to her.
Examples from the Corpus
give an account
Marshall gave the police his account of how the fight started.
provide an account
Freud has provided an account of the human psyche’s stages of development.
write an account
He later wrote an account of his experiences during the war.
read an account
Have you read his account of the journey?
a detailed account
She gave me a detailed account of what happened at the meeting.
a full account
It is not possible to give a full account of what we discussed.
a short account
What follows is a short account of the legal procedure.
a brief account
The class were asked to write a brief account of their holidays.
a clear account
I’ve tried to write a clear account of the incident.
an accurate account
Both newspapers gave fairly accurate accounts of what had happened.
a true account
The book is a true account of his life and death.
a blow-by-blow account (=very detailed)
Rosemary gave me a blow-by-blow account of their trip.
a graphic account (=very clear with a lot of details, especially unpleasant details)
He wrote a graphic account of his time in jail.
a vivid account (=so clear that it seems real or like real life)
I read a vivid account of his experiences in Egypt.
an eye-witness account (=an account of an event, given by the person who saw it happen)
an eye-witness account of the attack
a first-hand account (=an account of a situation, given by the person who experienced it)
a first-hand account of life in the refugee camps
conflicting accounts (=different accounts of the same event, that cannot both be true)
There were conflicting accounts of what actually happened.
account a written or spoken description that says what happens in an event or process
He provided the police with a detailed account of what he saw.
description something you say or write that gives details about what something or someone is like
The report gave a brief description of the problem.
story an account of something that has happened which may not be true – used especially when people are telling each other about something
I don’t think he was honest enough to tell us the full story.
Her parents did not believe her story.
report a written or spoken account of a situation or event, giving people the information they need, especially after studying something as part of your job
The UN will issue a report on the incident.
Initial police reports suggest she was murdered.
version a particular person’s account of an event, which is different from the account that another person gives
Her version of events has been contradicted by other witnesses.
Examples from the Corpus
account2 ●●○ S3 W3 verb  
1account for something phrasal verbphr v 
a) BEto form a particular amount or part of something 占〔一定数量或比例〕
 Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.
b) REASONto be the reason why something happens 的原因 SYN explain
 Recent pressure at work may account for his behavior.
c) REASONto give a satisfactory explanation of why something has happened or why you did something 解释,说明 SYN explain
 Can you account for your movements on that night?
d) HEREto say where all the members of a group of people or things are, especially because you are worried that some of them may be lost 说明在何处
 Three days after the earthquake, more than 150 people had still to be accounted for.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
accountac·count1 /əˈkaʊnt/ noun
1[countableC] written abbreviation a/c, or acctBANKING an arrangement between a bank and a customer that allows the customer to pay in and take out money; BANK ACCOUNT
She used her first pay check to open an account (=to start one).
80% of people have held an account (=had one) with the same bank for five years or more.
They were unhappy with service at the bank and closed their account there.
see also money of account, unit of account, statement of account
2no accountBANKING words written on a cheque to show that the account to which it relates has been closed
3[countableC]ACCOUNTING a record showing a particular part of the finances of a business
4accounts [plural]ACCOUNTING the complete set of records showing money coming into and going out of a business, its profits, and its financial situation
The new accounts contain more bad news for shareholders.
see also books of account
5accounts [plural]ACCOUNTING the department of a company that deals with its accounts
She works in accounts.
6COMMERCEMARKETING [countableC] an arrangement between a buyer and a seller for payment to be made some time after the buyer receives the goods or services
No interest is charged provided the account is settled (=the money owed is paid) in full every month.
All clients are sent a monthly account statement (=list of goods or services bought and money owed).
7on accountCOMMERCE paid as part of the total amount that needs to be paid
We’ll pay you half of your fee on account.
8on accountCOMMERCE to be paid for later
Most of this equipment was bought on account.
9[countableC]ORGANIZATIONSCOMMERCE an organization that is a regular client of a company, especially an ADVERTISING AGENCY
The agency won several major accounts this year.
He’s always on the road calling on key accounts (=important clients).
abbreviated accounts adjustment account annual accounts appropriation account approved accounts audited accounts balance of payments capital account balance of payments current account bank account blocked account call account cash account cash management account charge account cheque account client account club account club accounts company accounts consignment account consolidated accounts contra account contra-asset account control account credit account current account custodial account debit account demand account deposit account depreciation account discretionary account dormant account drawing account email account entertainment account escrow account Exchange equalization account expense account external account final accounts foreign currency account group accounts inactive account income and expenditure account individual retirement account instant access account interim accounts joint account loro account margin account merchant account nominal accounts nostro account notice account NOW account numbered account postal account profit and loss account public account purchases account real accounts sales account sales returns account savings account sundries account suspense account vostro account
accountaccount2 verb
account for something
Origin account2
(1300-1400) Old French acompter, from compter to count





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