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词汇 hot


Word family adverbhotlyhotfootnounhotnesshotterhottiehottinghot airhot-air balloonhotbedhot buttonhot flushhotheadhothousehothousinghot keyhot pantshotplatehotpothot rodhotshothotspothot springHotspurhot tubhot-water bottleadjectivehottishhot-bloodedhotheadedhot-temperedhotverbhot-wire
Related topics: Music
hot1 /hɒt $ hɑːt/ ●●● S1 W2 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp hotter, superlativesupl hottest)  
1 high temperature 高温HOT
a) something that is hot has a high temperature – used about weather, places, food, drink, or objects 热的;烫的;炎热的 OPP cold
 a hot day in July
 It’s so hot in here. Can I open the window?
 Be careful, the water’s very hot.
 The bar serves hot and cold food.
 people who live in hot countries (=where the weather is usually hot)
scorching/baking/roasting hot (also boiling/broiling hot American English) (=used about weather that is very hot) 〔天气〕炎热的
 a scorching hot week in August
stifling/sweltering/unbearably hot (=used about weather that is very hot and uncomfortable) 〔天气〕闷热的,热得令人发昏的
 The office gets unbearably hot in summer.
boiling/scalding/steaming hot (=used about liquid that is extremely hot) 〔液体〕滚烫的
 The coffee was scalding hot.
piping hot (=used about food that is nice and hot) 〔食物〕热腾腾的
 Serve the soup piping hot.
red hot (=used to describe an object or surface that is very hot) 〔物体或表面〕炽热的,热得发红的
 The handle was red hot.
white hot (=used to describe metal that is extremely hot) 〔金属〕白热的
 He held the metal in the flame until it became white hot.
b) HOTif you feel hot, your body feels hot in a way that is uncomfortable 〔感觉〕热的,热乎乎的
 I was hot and tired after the journey.
 The wine made her feel hot.
c) if clothes are hot, they make you feel too hot in a way that is uncomfortable 〔衣服〕使人感到热的
 This sweater’s too hot to wear inside.
2 spicy 辣的 food that tastes hot has a burning taste because it contains strong spices 辛辣的 OPP mild
 a hot curry
see thesaurus at taste
3 very popular/fashionable 非常受欢迎的/流行的 informalSUCCESSFUL something or someone that is hot is very popular or fashionable, and everyone wants to use them, see them, buy them etc 很受欢迎的,红极一时的
 one of the hottest young directors in Hollywood
5 Michael Owen is already one of soccer’s hottest properties (= actors or sports players who are very popular ) .
n Gareth Bale is one of soccer’s hottest properties (=actors or sports players who are very popular).
 The movie is going to be this summer’s hot ticket (=an event that is very popular or fashionable, and that everyone wants to go and see).
be the hottest thing since (sliced bread) (=used about someone or something that is very good and popular, so that everyone wants them) 热门人物;抢手货
4 good 好的 informal very good, especially in a way that is exciting 非常棒的
 a hot young guitar player
 a hot piece of software
 His new film is hot stuff (=very good).
be hot at doing something
 She’s pretty hot at swimming, too.
not so hot/not very hot informal (=not very good) 不太行
 Some of the tracks on the record are great, but others are not so hot.
be hot shit American EnglishAmE informal not polite (=used about someone or something that people think is very good) 真他妈的棒
5 sexy 性感的
a) informal someone who is hot is very attractive sexually 性感的
 The girls all think he’s hot stuff.
b) informal a film, book, photograph etc that is hot is sexually exciting 〔电影、书籍、照片等〕色情的
 his hot and steamy first novel
c) a hot date informal a meeting with someone who you feel very attracted to sexually 令人激动的约会
 She has a hot date with Michel.
d) be hot on/for somebody informalATTRACT to be sexually attracted to someone 迷恋某人
6 difficult/dangerous 困难的/危险的 [not before noun] informalPROBLEM difficult or dangerous to deal with 棘手的,难办的
 If things get too hot (=a situation becomes too difficult or dangerous to deal with), I can always leave.
 Wilkinson found his opponent a little too hot to handle (=too difficult to deal with or beat).
 The climate was too hot politically to make such radical changes.
7 a hot issue/topic etc DISAGREEa subject that a lot of people are discussing, especially one that causes a lot of disagreement 热门话题
 The affair was a hot topic of conversation.
 one of the hottest issues facing medical science
Examples from the Corpus
8. in the hot seat in an important position and responsible for making difficult decisions 处于责任重大的位置
Examples from the Corpus
9 in hot water SERIOUS SITUATIONif someone is in hot water, they are in trouble because they have done something wrong 〔因做错事而〕陷入困境
 The finance minister found himself in hot water over his business interests.
land/get yourself in hot water
 She got herself in hot water with the authorities.
Examples from the Corpus
10 angry 愤怒的ANGRY
a) get hot under the collar spoken to become angry – used especially when people get angry in an unreasonable way about something that is not important 〔尤指为小事〕发怒,生气
 I don’t understand why people are getting so hot under the collar about it.
b) have a hot temperANGRY someone who has a hot temper becomes angry very easily 暴躁,脾气急 hot-tempered
11 hot and bothered informal upset and confused because you have too much to think about or because you are in a hurry 烦躁不安的,焦急的;被搞糊涂的
 People were struggling with bags and cases, looking hot and bothered.
Examples from the Corpus
12 have/hold something in your hot little hand informal used to emphasize that you have something 拥有某物〔用于强调〕
 You’ll have the report in your hot little hands by Monday.
13 recent/exciting news 最近的/令人激动的消息INTERESTING hot news is about very recent events and therefore interesting or exciting 最近的,令人兴奋的
 Do you want to hear about all the latest hot gossip?
14. be hot off the press if news or a newspaper is hot off the press, it has just recently been printed 〔消息〕刚见报;〔报纸〕刚印好
Examples from the Corpus
15 chasing SB/STH closely 紧追某人/某物
a) in hot pursuit following someone quickly and closely because you want to catch them 〔因想抓住某人而〕紧追其后,穷追不舍
 The car sped away, with the police in hot pursuit.
b) hot on somebody’s trail/tail close to and likely to catch someone you have been chasing 紧紧跟着某人,快要逮住某人
 The other car was hot on his tail.
c) hot on somebody’s heelsFOLLOW following very close behind someone 紧随某人之后
 Mrs Bass’s dog was already hot on his heels.
16 come/follow hot on the heels of something AFTERto happen or be done very soon after something else 紧接某事之后发生
 The news came hot on the heels of another plane crash.
Examples from the Corpus
17 hot on the trail of something very close to finding something 快要找到[发现]某事物
 journalists hot on the trail of a news story
Examples from the Corpus
18 blow/go hot and cold to keep changing your mind about whether you like or want to do something 摇摆不定,反复无常
 She keeps blowing hot and cold about the wedding.
Examples from the Corpus
19. go hot and cold to experience a strange feeling in which your body temperature suddenly changes, because you are very frightened, worried, or shocked 〔因害怕、担心或震惊而〕感到浑身一阵热一阵冷
Examples from the Corpus
20 I don’t feel too hot/so hot/very hot spoken informal I feel slightly ill 我有点不舒服
 I’m not feeling too hot today.
21 be hot on something informal
a) KNOW somethingto know a lot about something 通晓[熟知]某事物
 He’s pretty hot on aircraft.
b) STRICT British EnglishBrE to be very strict about something 对某事要求很严格 SYN tight
 The company is very hot on security.
Examples from the Corpus
22 be hot for something informal to be ready for something and want it very much 渴望某事物
 Europe is hot for a product like this.
 He was hot for revenge.
Examples from the Corpus
23 be hot to trot informal
a) to be ready to do something or be involved with something 渴望〔做某事〕
b) to feel sexually excited and want to have sex with someone 欲火中烧
Examples from the Corpus
24 hot competition if the competition between people or companies is hot, they are all trying very hard to win or succeed 激烈的[紧张的]竞赛
 Competition for the best jobs is getting hotter all the time.
Examples from the Corpus
25. hot favourite the person, team, horse etc that people think is most likely to win 最被看好的选手,最热门的参赛者
Examples from the Corpus
26 hot tip a good piece of advice about the likely result of a race, business deal etc 〔有关赛马、交易等的〕好建议
 a hot tip on the stock market
Examples from the Corpus
27. stolen goods 赃物 informalSTEAL goods that are hot have been stolen 偷来的
28. music 音乐 informalAPM music that is hot has a strong exciting rhythm 节奏强劲的
29 more something than you’ve had hot dinners British EnglishBrE spoken humorous used to say that someone has had a lot of experience of something and has done it many times 做某事比你吃过的饭还多
 She’s delivered more babies than you’ve had hot dinners.
30. hot money BFmoney that is frequently moved from one country to another in order to make a profit 〔在各国间频繁流动以获利的〕游资,热钱
Examples from the Corpus
hotly, hots
hot used especially when you feel uncomfortable 热的 热的〔尤指令人不舒服〕
I feel really hot.
nThe travellers were hot, tired, and thirsty.
warm a little hot, especially in a way that feels comfortable 暖和的
Are you warm enough?
nWe had to keep moving in order to keep warm.
boiling (hot) spoken very hot 极热的
You must be boiling in that sweater!
n‘I’m going for a swim, ' said Gary. ’I’m boiling.'
nI felt boiling hot and tried to open one of the windows.
feverish feeling very hot because you are ill 发烧的
His head ached and he felt feverish.
nHannah was slightly feverish, so we decided to call the doctor.
weather 天气
hot used especially when you feel uncomfortable 热的 炎热的
a hot day
It’s too hot to do any work.
warm a little hot, especially in a way that seems pleasant 温暖的,暖和的
a warm summer’s evening
nIt’s supposed to be a bit warmer tomorrow.
boiling (hot) spoken very hot 酷热的
The weather was boiling hot.
a boiling hot day
nIt was absolutely boiling this lunchtime.
baking (hot) British EnglishBrE very hot and dry 灼热的,又干又热的
a baking hot afternoon
nThe weather was baking hot and conditions at the camp became unbearable.
It’s baking out there in the garden – I need a drink.
scorching (hot) very hot 极热的,灼热的
It was another scorching hot July day.
nWhen we got there, the weather was scorching.
nArizona is scorching hot every day.
humid/muggy hot and damp 潮湿炎热的
nThis week sees a return to more humid conditions.
Hong Kong gets very humid at this time of year.
nIn June the weather was often muggy in the evenings.
nIt was a warm muggy afternoon, and it looked like it would rain.
room 室内
hot used especially when you feel uncomfortable 热的 热的〔尤指令人不舒服〕
The office was uncomfortably hot.
nThe meeting was in a tiny hot room with no air conditioning.
warm a little hot, especially in a way that seems pleasant 暖和的
It’s nice and warm by the fire.
nThey were all sitting in the warm kitchen, sipping mugs of cocoa.
boiling (hot) spoken very hot 极热的
It’s boiling in here. Can I open the window?
na boiling hot New York recording studio
like an oven much too hot in a way that is uncomfortable – used about rooms and buildings 〔房间、建筑物〕(火炉般)炎热的
The inside of the shed was like an oven.
food/liquid/something you touch 食物/液体/触摸之物
hot 热的
a hot drink
hot meals
nEat your food while it’s hot.
warm a little hot, especially in a way that seems pleasant 温热的
The bread was still warm from the oven.
nthe warm waters of the Caribbean
boiling (hot) spoken very hot 滚烫的
The water’s boiling hot.
nBoiling-hot steam shoots out from underground.
nThe mud in the pools is boiling.
lukewarm /ˌluːkˈwɔːm◂ $ -ˈwɔːrm◂/ slightly warm, but not hot enough – used about liquids 〔液体〕微温的
a cup of lukewarm coffee
The bath water was lukewarm.
Examples from the Corpus
hot2 verb (hotted, hotting)  
1hot up phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE informal 
a) INCREASE IN ACTIVITY, FEELINGS ETCif something hots up, there is more activity or excitement 加剧,变得激烈
 Things generally hot up a few days before the race.
b) the pace hots up used to say that the speed of something increases 速度加快
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin hot
Old English hat

→THESAURUS1hot2 verb




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