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词汇 help


Word family noun help helper helpfulnessunhelpfulness helping helplessness helpdeskhelplinehelpmateadjective helpfulunhelpful helpless helpableverb help adverb helpfullyunhelpfully helplessly
help1 /help/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HELP to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need 帮助,帮忙
 If there’s anything I can do to help, just give me a call.
help somebody (to) do something
 I helped her to carry her cases up the stairs.
 She helped him choose some new clothes.
 herbal products that help you to relax and sleep
help (to) do something
 She was coming to help clean the machines.
help somebody with something
 Can I help you with the washing up?
 My father said he’s going to help me with the fees.
help somebody on/off with something (=help someone put on or take off a piece of clothing) 帮某人穿/脱衣服
 Here, let me help you on with your coat.
help somebody somewhere (=help someone get to a particular place, especially because they are old, ill, or hurt) 帮助某人去某地〔尤指受助者年老、生病或受伤等〕
 She helped the old man across the road.
2 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]IMPROVE to make a situation better, easier, or less painful 使〔形势〕改善,使好转;减轻〔痛苦〕
 Crying won’t help.
 If you get rid of your car you could be helping the environment.
 It helps my concentration if I listen to music while I’m working.
 It helped a lot to know that someone understood how I felt.
 Eight hours of deep sleep helped enormously.
3 help yourself (to something) 
a) to take some of what you want, without asking permission – used especially when offering food to someone 自己取(食物等)
 Please help yourself to some cake.
b) STEAL informal to steal something 偷窃
 Obviously he had been helping himself to the money.
Examples from the Corpus
n4. help!
5 somebody can’t help (doing) something  (also somebody can’t help but do something) used to say that someone is unable to change their behaviour or feelings, or to prevent themselves from doing something 某人忍不住做某事,某人不能停止做某事
 She couldn’t help it if she was being irrational.
 ‘Stop biting your nails.’ ‘I can’t help it.’
 I can’t help the way I feel about you.
 Lee could not help but agree with her.
somebody can’t help feeling/thinking/wondering etc something
 I can’t help feeling that there has been a mistake.
 I couldn’t help thinking about the past.
Examples from the Corpus
6 I couldn’t help myself/she couldn’t help herself etc to be unable to stop yourself from doing something you should not do /她等忍不住[无法控制自己]
 She knew she sounded just like her mother but she couldn’t help herself.
7 it can’t be helped spokenCAN'T used to say that there is nothing you can do to change a bad situation 无法避免;没办法
 She said she had to leave him for a while; it couldn’t be helped.
Examples from the Corpus
8. somebody is helping the police with their enquiries British EnglishBrE the police are interviewing someone about a crime, especially because they believe that this person may have committed the crime 某人在协助警方调查
9 a helping hand HELPSUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANhelp and support 援手,帮助
give/lend/offer etc somebody a helping hand
 She’s been giving me a helping hand with the children.
Examples from the Corpus
10 not if I can help it spokenNOT DO something used to say that you are not going to do something 不会做某事
 ‘Are you going to watch the school play?’ ‘Not if I can help it.’
Examples from the Corpus
11 God help him/them etc spokenSERIOUS SITUATION used to say that something bad may happen to someone 上帝保佑他/他们等〔用于表示可能会有不好的事发生在某人身上〕
 ‘Good luck.’ ‘God help me. I think I’m going to need it.’
12. so help me (God) SCTPROMISEused when making a serious promise, especially in a court of law 我发誓;上天作证〔尤在法庭上发誓时用〕
Examples from the Corpus
13help something ↔ along phrasal verbphr v to make a process or activity happen more quickly or easily 使顺利展开/取得进展
 She asked a few questions to help the conversation along.
Examples from the Corpus
14help out phrasal verbphr v HELPto help someone because they are busy or have problems 分担工作,帮一把
 Do you need anyone to help out in the shop?
help somebody ↔ out (with something)
 I helped her out when Stella became ill.
 She was helping him out with his mortgage repayments.
Examples from the Corpus
help to make it easier for someone to do something, by doing something for them or giving them something they need 帮忙,帮助
Is there anything I can do to help?
Dad, I can’t do my homework. Will you help me?
assist formal to help someone 协助,帮助
He was employed to assist the manager in his duties.
Some of the guests assisted with the preparation of the food.
aid formal to help someone to do something – used especially when saying that something helps your body to do something 帮助,援助〔尤指对身体有好处〕
Coffee can aid concentration.
Fennel aids the digestion.
There are plenty of materials to aid the teacher.
help out to help someone, especially because there are not enough people to do all the work, or they need someone to give them something 〔尤因人手不够或别人缺乏某物而〕分担工作,帮一把
Organizing the school trip will be a lot of work, so I need some volunteers to help out.
My parents have helped us out on several occasions by sending us money.
give somebody a hand informal to help someone to do something, especially by carrying or lifting things 帮助某人〔尤指提拎东西〕
Can you give me a hand moving these boxes?
nDave wants to paint the kitchen and I promised I’d give him a hand.
lend a hand informal to help someone, especially when there are not enough people to do something 帮忙〔尤在缺少人手时〕
Scott is moving on Saturday and we promised to lend a hand.
nI went over to see if I could lend a hand.
Examples from the Corpus
1.spokenHELP used to call people and ask them to help you when you are in danger 救命啊!〔求救声〕
Related topics: Computers
help2 ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 [uncountableU]HELP things you do to make it easier or possible for someone to do something 帮助,帮忙
 Thank you for all your help.
help with something/with doing something 帮某人穿/脱衣服
 Do you want any help with the washing up?
help to do something
 I could do with some help to bring the bags in from the car.
help (in) doing something
 He asked for my help in getting an interview with her.
with the help of somebody/with somebody’s help
 We manage, with the help of a nurse who comes daily.
2 [singular, uncountableU]HELP if someone or something is a help to you, they are useful and make it easier for you to do something 有帮助的人[]
 That map isn’t much help.
with the help of something
 I managed to make myself understood with the help of a phrase book.
be of great/little/no/some etc help (to somebody)
 Let me know if I can be of any help to you.
be a (great/big/tremendous/real etc) help (to somebody)
 Any information would be a great help.
 You’ve been a real help to me, Carrie.
3 [uncountableU]HELP advice, treatment, information, or money which is given to people who need it 援助,资助〔指建议、治疗、资料或金钱〕
 A lot of these children need professional help.
help with
 You may be able to ask for help with the rent.
 We received no help from the police.
4. [uncountableU] a part of a computer program that helps someone using it by giving additional information 帮助〔指计算机程序所提供的使用说明〕
5. the help American EnglishAmEBODH someone’s servant or servants 仆人,佣人
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: things you do to make it easier or possible for someone to do something 帮助,帮忙
give somebody help 给予某人帮助,帮助某人
Do you want me to give you some help?
ask (somebody) for help 请求(某人)帮助
He asked for help with the cleaning.
need help 需要帮助
Some of the older patients need help with walking.
get/receive help 得到帮助
She gets no help from her husband.
offer (your) help 提供帮助
The taxi driver offered his help and we accepted.
provide help 提供帮助
The government should do more to provide help for people who are looking for work.
appeal for help (=publicly ask for help) 吁请帮助
The police are appealing for help to track down the killer.
enlist somebody’s help (=persuade someone to help you) 寻求某人的帮助
She enlisted the help of a private investigator to find her missing son.
nfind help
To get it finished by tomorrow, we’ll need to find help from somewhere.
help the things you do to make it easier or possible for someone to do something 帮助,帮忙
nNow that I’m working, the kids need to give me more help with the housework.
nThe book would never have been finished without his help.
nassistance help. Assistance is more formal than help, and is used especially about people giving official help
The police are asking the public for their assistance.
The project received financial assistance from the government.
Thank you very much for your assistance, sir.
He set up the business with the assistance of his two sons.
naid help. Aid is more formal than help, and is used especially about money, food, medicine etc. that is given to countries or people that are in a very bad situation
Aid is being sent to areas affected by the earthquake.
The US spends billions of dollars on aid to developing countries.
Another driver stopped and came to his aid.
nsupport help and encouragement
Thanks to everyone who gave us their support.
We could not have won the case without your support.
ncooperation help – used especially when people, organizations, or countries work together to get things done, and show that they are willing to do this
a spirit of international cooperation
The cooperation of landowners was needed for the plan to succeed.
nbackup extra people, equipment etc that can be used in case people need help
The officer waited for backup to arrive before making any arrests.
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 3: advice, treatment, information, or money which is given to people who need it 援助,资助〔指建议、治疗、资料或金钱〕
financial help
We received a lot of financial help from my family.
professional help
You need to seek some professional help.
medical help
She needs urgent medical help.
legal help
You can find free legal help for your problem by logging onto our website.
technical help
I might need some technical help understanding the instructions.
practical help
The organization offers practical help with finding accommodation.
expert help
If the issues are complex, expert help can be sought from the adoption agency.
nget/receive help from somebody
You will be able to get confidential help from your doctor.
give (somebody) help 给予某人帮助,帮助某人
nThe fund was set up to give financial help to war veterans.
provide help 提供帮助
nIf you have to move, we provide financial help towards the cost.
noffer help
We offer free help for people with debts.
nseek help (=ask for help)
He decided to seek medical help for his drink problem.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
helphelp /help/ noun [uncountableU]
HUMAN RESOURCESpeople that organizations employ, especially for a short timeSYN BrE temp
To meet increased demand, companies have hired temporary help.
Origin help1
Old English helpan




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