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词汇 Hello!


hel·lo (also hallo, hullo British EnglishBrE) /həˈləʊ, he- $ -ˈloʊ/ ●●● S1 interjection , noun [countableC]  
1 HELLOused as a greeting when you see or meet someone 喂,哈啰,你好〔问候语〕
 Hello, John! How are you?
 Stanley, come and say hello to your nephew.
 Well, hello there! I haven’t seen you for ages.
In everyday English, in informal situations, people often say hi rather than hello:
Hi, Karen.” “Hi, Richard. How are things with you?”
2 HELLOused when answering the telephone or starting a telephone conversation 喂〔打电话用的招呼语〕
 Hello – may I speak to Anne?
3 HELLOATTENTIONused when calling to get someone’s attention 喂〔用以引起别人的注意〕
 Hello! Is there anybody home?
4 used when you think someone is not acting sensibly or has said something stupid 喔唷〔表示认为别人行为不明智或说话愚蠢〕
 You didn’t remember her birthday? Hello!
5 British EnglishBrESURPRISED used to show that you are surprised or confused by something 嘿〔表示惊讶或不解〕
 Hello! What’s happened here?
6 say hello to have a quick conversation with someone 打招呼
 Promise you’ll look in and say hello when you have time.
Examples from the Corpus
hello used when you meet someone, or when you start a telephone conversation. In everyday English, most people usually say hi because it sounds more friendly. You use hello especially when talking to people you do not know well, or to older people
Hello. Could I speak to someone in customer service, please?
Hello, Mrs Jones. How are you?
hi used as a friendly greeting when you meet someone start a telephone conversation, or at the beginning of an email
Hi, Gwen – did you have a nice weekend?
Hi everybody.
hey especially American EnglishAmE informal used as a friendly greeting when you see someone you know well and you want to start talking to them
Hey, Scott! What’s up, buddy?
hiya informal used as a very informal greeting when speaking to someone you know well
Hiya, Jake. How’s it going?
good morning/good afternoon/good evening used when meeting someone at a particular time of day. In everyday English, people usually just say Morning!, Afternoon! etc
Good morning, class!
Morning everyone. Sorry I’m late.
Good afternoon, Mr Smith.
how are you? (also how are you doing?/how’s it going? informal) used when you are greeting someone and starting a conversation
How’s it going Tom? I haven’t seen you for ages.
Hi Helen. How are you doing? Is the new job going well?
how do you do? formal used when you meet someone for the first time, especially after you have just been told their name. How do you do sounds very formal. These days in everyday English, people often say hi when meeting someone for the first time
‘John, I’d like you to meet our new project manager, Nisha Patel.’ ‘How do you do?’
pleased/good/nice to meet you used when you meet someone for the first time and have just been told their name
‘Richard, this is my brother Ronnie.’ ‘Nice to meet you, Ronnie.’
‘My name is Lena Curtis.’ ‘Pleased to meet you, I’m David Bennet.’
Mrs Parrish, it’s good to meet you after hearing Lynn talk so much about you.
Hello!n trademark  
na British magazine with pictures and articles about famous people, such as film actors, fashion models, and members of the aristocracy. It typically describes how happy these people are and shows what beautiful houses they live in.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin hello
(1800-1900) hollo a shout to call attention ((16-19 centuries))




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