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词汇 hear


Word family noun hearing hearer hearing aidhearsayadjective unheard unheard of heardhearing-impairedverb hear overhear
Related topics: Law
hear /hɪə $ hɪr/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp heard /hɜːd $ hɜːrd/)   here
1 hear sounds/words etc 听到声音/话语等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HEAR to know that a sound is being made, using your ears 听到,听见
5 Blanche heard a crash as the back door was flung open.
n She heard a sudden loud crash.
 Did anyone see or hear anything last night?
ncan hear
n I could hear the sound of traffic.
hear somebody/something doing something
 Jenny could hear them arguing outside.
hear somebody do something
 She heard Tom go upstairs.
hear what/who etc
 I couldn’t hear what they were saying most of the time.
be heard to do something
 She didn’t want to be heard to criticize him.
somebody doesn’t hear too well/very well (=they have problems with their hearing)
 Old Zeke doesn’t hear too well anymore.
5Do not confuse hear with listen to, which means ‘hear and pay attention to’. You should listen to my advice (NOT You should hear my advice).
不要混淆hearlisten to,listen to指听见并加以注意: You should listen to my advice(不说 You should hear my advice).你应该听从我的建议。
2 listen to SB/STH 听某人/某事物 [transitiveT]LISTEN to listen to what someone is saying, the music they are playing etc 听,聆听,倾听
 Maggie did not wait to hear an answer.
 Did you hear that programme on whales the other night?
hear what
 I want to hear what the doctor has to say.
I hear what you say/what you’re saying spoken (=used to tell someone that you have listened to their opinion, but do not agree with it) 我听到你的话了
 I hear what you say, but I don’t think we should rush this decision.
3 be told STH 被告知某事 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]FIND OUT to be told or find out a piece of information 听说,被告知,得知
 I heard a rumor that he was getting married soon.
hear (that)
 I’m so sorry to hear he died.
 She’ll be pleased to hear that she can leave hospital tomorrow.
hear about
 Teresa heard about the decision later.
hear of
 I’ve heard of a job which would be just right for you.
 This was the first I’d heard of any trouble in the area (=I had just heard news of trouble for the first time).
 He was last heard of in Washington (=he was in Washington the last time someone had information about him).
hear anything/much of somebody/something
 We don’t hear anything of him these days.
so I hear/so I’ve heard spoken (=used to say that you have been told something or know it already) 我已经听说了
 There’s a nasty infection going round, so I hear.
hear what/how/who etc
 Did you hear what happened to Julia?
 I’ve heard it said that they met in Italy.
4 in court 在法庭上 [transitiveT]SCTJUDGE to listen to all the facts in a case in a court of law in order to make a legal decision 审理〔案件〕
 The Supreme Court heard the case on Tuesday.
5 have heard of somebody/something KNOW somebodyto know that someone or something exists because they have been mentioned to you before 听说过某人/某物
 ‘Do you know Jill Marshall?’ ‘No, I’ve never heard of her.’
Examples from the Corpus
6 not hear the last of somebody PROBLEMused to say that someone will continue to complain about something or cause problems 某人还会投诉;某人还会带来更多麻烦
 I’ll sue him. He hasn’t heard the last of me yet.
7 you could hear a pin drop QUIETused to emphasize how quiet a place is 〔安静得〕听得见针落地的声音
 You could have heard a pin drop in there.
unheard of
Examples from the Corpus
8hear from somebody phrasal verbphr v 
a) NEWSto receive news or information from someone 得到〔某人的消息〕
 Do you ever hear from Jack?
 Police want to hear from anyone who has any information.
 I look forward to hearing from you (=hope to receive news from you).
b) LISTENto listen to someone giving their opinion in a radio or television discussion programme 听,收听〔电台或电视的讨论节目〕
 a chance to hear from some of the victims of violent crime
Examples from the Corpus
9hear somebody out phrasal verbphr v LISTENto listen to all of what someone wants to tell you without interrupting them 听〔某人〕说完
 Just hear me out, will you?
Examples from the Corpus
10 won’t/wouldn’t hear of it NOREFUSEused to say that you refuse to agree with a suggestion or proposal 不同意;拒绝
 I said we should go back, but Dennis wouldn’t hear of it.
11 I/he etc will never hear the end of it CRITICIZEused to say that someone will continue to talk about something for a long time /他等将听到没完没了的唠叨
 If my Mum finds out, I’ll never hear the end of it.
12 be hearing things IMAGINEto imagine you can hear a sound when really there is no sound 产生幻听
 There’s no one there. I must be hearing things.
Examples from the Corpus
13 (do) you hear? OBEYused to emphasize that you are giving someone an order and they must obey you 听见了吗?明白了吗?〔强调别人必须遵守你的命令〕
 I want you to leave right now. Do you hear?
14 you can’t hear yourself think LOUD/NOISYused to emphasize how noisy a place is 〔强调某个地方〕太吵闹
 Just shut up, Tom. I can’t hear myself think.
15. now hear this! American EnglishAmE old useLISTEN used to introduce an important official announcement 请大家注意听!〔用于发表重要的正式通告时〕
16. hear! hear! used in a discussion or meeting to say that you agree with what the speaker is saying 好哇!好哇!〔在讨论会或会议上对某人所说的话表示赞同的呼喊声〕
17. have you heard the one about ... JOKEused when asking someone if they know a joke 你听过有关的笑话吗
18. I’ve heard that one before BELIEVEused when you do not believe someone’s excuse or explanation 这借口[解释]我以前已听过了〔表示不相信〕,别跟我来这一套
19. let’s hear it for somebody used to say that someone deserves praise, or to ask people to show their approval of someone by clapping 让我们为某人鼓掌喝彩
nGRAMMAR: Using the progressive
In meanings 1,2, and 3, hear is not usually used in the progressive. You say:
I heard a strange sound.
Don’t say: I was hearing a strange sound.
Hear is often used with can:
I could hear a strange sound.
In spoken English, people sometimes say I’m hearing to talk about something they have been told recently, especially more than once:
I’ve been hearing some nice things about you.
nUSAGE: Hear or listen?
Don’t confuse hear (=a sound comes into your ears) with listen to (=hear and pay attention to something).
You say:
You should listen to my advice.
Don’t say: You should hear my advice.
You say:
I lay in bed listening to music.
Don’t say: I lay in bed hearing music.
hear to know that a sound is being made, using your ears 听到,听见
There’s no need to shout – I can hear you!
Voices could be heard in the distance.
listen to pay attention to something, using your ears 〔注意地〕听
I was listening to the news on the car radio.
He never listens to anything I say.
make out to hear something with difficulty 〔勉强〕听出
When I got closer, I could make out a human voice.
I could just make out what he was saying.
overhear to accidentally hear another person’s conversation 无意中[偶然]听到
I overheard her say to her friend that she had lost something.
catch to hear something that someone says 听到,听见
Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.
I caught the last few minutes of the programme.
tune in to listen to a programme – often used in announcements on the radio 收听〔常指广播节目〕
Tune in for all the latest news and views from around the world.
Thousands of people tune in to the show every week.
naudible adjectiveadj loud enough to be heard
Her words were clearly audible.
an audible whisper
Examples from the Corpus
Origin hear
Old English hieran




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