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词汇 gut


Word family noungutfulgutlessnessgutsinessguttergutzergutbucketgutrotgutadjectivegutlessgutsyguttedgut-wrenchingadverbgutlesslygutsilyverbgutsguttle
Related topics: Daily life
gut1 /ɡʌt/ ●●○ noun  
1 gut reaction/feeling/instinct informalINSTINCT a reaction or feeling that you are sure is right, although you cannot give a reason for it 本能的反应/本能的感觉/直觉
 He had a gut feeling that Sarah was lying.
Examples from the Corpus
2 COURAGE 勇气guts [plural] informalBRAVE the courage and determination you need to do something difficult or unpleasant 〔做困难或不愉快的事情所需要的〕勇气,魄力,决心
 It takes guts to start a new business on your own.
have the guts (to do something)
 No one had the guts to tell Paul what a mistake he was making.
Examples from the Corpus
3 inside your body 体内
a) guts [plural]HBA all the organs in someone’s body, especially when they have come out of their body 内脏
 There were blood and guts all over the place.
b) HBA[countableC] the tube through which food passes from your stomach 肠,肠道 SYN intestine
 It can take 72 hours for food to pass through the gut.
4 stomach 肚子 [countableC] informal someone’s stomach, especially when it is large 肚子〔尤指大肚子〕 SYN belly
 He felt as if someone had just kicked him in the gut.
 Phil has a huge beer gut (=unattractive fat stomach caused by drinking too much beer).
5. string 线 [uncountableU]DT a type of strong string made from the intestine of an animal, and used for musical instruments such as violins 肠线〔用动物肠子制成的十分结实的线,用于制作小提琴等乐器的弦〕 catgut
6. MACHINE/EQUIPMENT 机器/设备guts [plural] informal the parts inside a machine or piece of equipment 〔机器或设备的〕内部零件
7 MOST IMPORTANT PARTS 最重要的部分guts [plural] informal the most important or basic parts of something 实质,核心
guts of
 the guts of the problem
Examples from the Corpus
8. work/sweat your guts out  (also slog your guts out British EnglishBrE) informal to work very hard 拼命干,努力做
9 at gut level INSTINCTif you know something at gut level, you feel sure about it, though you could not give a reason for it 凭直觉,本能地
 She knew at gut level that he was guilty.
Examples from the Corpus
10. I’ll have somebody’s guts for garters British EnglishBrE informalPUNISH used to say that you would like to punish someone severely for something they have done 我要抽某人的筋,我要扒某人的皮〔表示要严惩某人〕
blood-and-guts, → bust a gut at bust1(3), → hate somebody’s guts at hate1(2), → spill your guts at spill1(4)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Cooking
gut2 verb (gutted, gutting) [transitiveT]  
1 BURNto completely destroy the inside of a building, especially by fire 毁坏〔建筑物〕的内部〔尤指烧毁〕
 The building was gutted by fire.
Gut is often passive in this meaning.
2. DFCto remove the organs from inside a fish or animal in order to prepare it for cooking 取出的内脏〔以备烹调〕
3. REMOVEto change something by removing some of the most important or central parts 改变的中心部分
Examples from the Corpus
Origin gut1
Old English guttas (plural)




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