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词汇 grain


Word family noungrainagegrainergraininggrainadjectivegrainedgrainy
Related topics: Crops, Food, Measurement
grain /ɡreɪn/ ●●○ noun  
1 food 食物
a) [uncountableU]TACDF the seeds of crops such as corn, wheat, or rice that are gathered for use as food, or these crops themselves 谷物,粮食
 big sacks of grain
 Last year’s grain harvest was the biggest ever.
b) [countableC]TACDF a single seed of corn, wheat etc 谷粒
 grains of rice
2 lines in wood etc 木头等的纹理CS [singular] the natural lines you can see in a substance such as wood, which are the result of its structure 〔木头等的〕纹理,纹路
along the grain (=in the same direction as the grain) 顺着纹路
 Cut along the grain of the wood.
across the grain (=at 90 degrees to the grain) 横对着纹路
3 small piece 小块 [countableC]PIECE a single very small piece of a substance such as sand or salt 〔沙或盐等的〕颗粒
grain of
 a grain of sand
 There were crumbs and grains of sugar on the table.
5 see picture at 见图 piece1
4 a grain of something LITTLE/NOT MUCHa very small amount of something 一点点
 The story wouldn’t have fooled anyone with a grain of sense.
 There is a grain of truth in all folklore and legend.
Examples from the Corpus
5 against the grain DON'T LIKEif something goes against the grain, it is not what you would naturally or normally do 违反本性
 Mary is always honest and it went against the grain to tell lies.
Examples from the Corpus
6. measure 计量单位 [countableC]TM the smallest unit for measuring weight, equal to about 0.06 grams. It is used for weighing medicines. 格令〔最小的重量单位,约合0.06克,用于称量药品〕
take something with a pinch/grain of salt at salt1(3)
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
graingrain /greɪn/ noun [uncountableU]
FARMINGcrops such as corn, wheat, and rice
Much of this grain is used to feed beef cattle
Origin grain
(1200-1300) Old French Latin granum seed




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