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词汇 grab


Word family noungrabberadjectivegrabbyverbgrab
grab1 /ɡræb/ ●●● S1 W3 verb (grabbed, grabbing) [transitiveT]  
1 with your hand 用手TAKE something FROM somebodyTAKE something FROM SOMEWHERE to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement 攫取,抓住 SYN snatch
 I grabbed my bag and ran off.
 Two men grabbed her and pushed her to the ground.
 Kay grabbed hold of my arm to stop herself falling.
grab something from somebody/something
 I managed to grab the gun from Bowen.
see thesaurus at hold
2 food/sleep 食品/睡觉 informalEATSLEEP to get some food or sleep quickly because you are busy 〔因忙碌而〕赶紧,抓紧〔吃或睡〕 SYN snatch
 Why don’t you go and grab some sleep?
 Hang on while I grab a cup of coffee.
 Let’s grab a bite to eat before we go.
3 get STH for yourself 为自己获取某物UNFAIR to get something for yourself, sometimes in an unfair way 霸占,捞取,强夺
 Try to get there early and grab good seats.
 Bob tried to grab all the profit.
4 chance/opportunity 机会CHANCE/BY CHANCE (also grab at something) informal to take an opportunity, accept an invitation etc immediately 抓住〔机会〕;接受〔邀请等〕
 I think you should grab your chance to travel while you’re young.
 She grabbed the opportunity to go to America.
 Melanie grabbed at the invitation to go.
 This is our chance to grab a slice of this new market.
5 get attention 吸引注意 to get someone’s attention 吸引〔某人的注意〕
 The book is full of good ideas to grab your students’ attention.
 The plight of the refugees immediately grabbed the headlines (=was the most important story in the newspapers).
n6. information to take information on a computer, website etc
7 how does something grab you? spokenINTERESTED used to ask someone if they would be interested in doing a particular thing 你对某事是否有兴趣?
 How does the idea of a trip to Spain grab you?
Examples from the Corpus
8grab at/for something phrasal verbphr v TAKE something FROM SOMEWHEREto quickly and suddenly put out your hand to try and catch or get something 〔迅速伸手〕抓住
 I grabbed at the glass just before it fell.
 Lucy grabbed for the money.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Technology
grab2 noun  
1 make a grab for/at something TAKE something FROM somebodyTAKE something FROM SOMEWHEREto suddenly try to take hold of something 抓取某物
 As soon as he turned his back, I made a grab for the revolver.
Examples from the Corpus
2. be up for grabs informalAVAILABLE if a job, prize, opportunity etc is up for grabs, it is available for anyone who wants to try to have it 〔工作、奖金、机会等〕等待你去争取[赢取]
Examples from the Corpus
3 [countableC]T the act of getting something quickly, especially in a dishonest way 夺取,抢夺
 a shameless power grab to eliminate opposition
 Officials denounced the settlers’ land grab.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
grabgrab1 /græb/ verb (grabbed, grabbing) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
to take or obtain something that other people also want
Both companies are looking to grab a share of the overseas market.
grabgrab2 noun [singular]
1an attempt to take or obtain something that other people also want
The company’s recent growth could slow if competitors make a grab for some of its markets.
British and Spanish officials complain that the idea looks suspiciously like a power-grab by Brussels (=an attempt by Brussels to get power over something).
2be up for grabs informal if something is up for grabs, it is available for anyone who wants to try to obtain it
Argentina has already sold off its telephone company, and dozens of other assets are up for grabs.
A large part of the business might be put up for grabs.
Origin grab1
(1500-1600) Middle Dutch Middle Low German grabben




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