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词汇 glory


Word family adjectivegloriousadverbgloriouslynoungloriousnessglory
glo·ry1 /ˈɡlɔːri/ ●●○ noun (plural glories)  
1 [uncountableU]FAMOUS the importance, honour, and praise that people give someone they admire a lot 光荣,荣誉
 She dreamt of future glory as an Olympic champion.
 Goran’s moment of glory came when he defeated Rafter.
 He began the season in a blaze of glory, scoring seven goals in as many games.
2 [countableC]BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKING an achievement that is greatly admired or respected, or makes you very proud 辉煌的成就;荣耀的事,值得骄傲的事
glory of
 one of the finest artistic glories of Florence
 monuments to past glories
 Becoming a Supreme Court judge was the crowning glory (=most successful part) of her career.
3 [uncountableU]BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKING when something is beautiful and impressive in appearance 辉煌,灿烂,壮丽
 They spent $10 million restoring the theatre to its former glory.
in all its/their etc glory
 The sun emerged from behind the clouds in all its glory.
4. bask/bathe in somebody’s/something’s (reflected) glory FAMOUSto share some of the importance and praise that belongs to someone close to you 分享某人/某事带来的荣誉,沾某人/某事的光
Examples from the Corpus
5 glory days FAMOUSa time in the past when someone was admired 辉煌岁月
 the team’s glory days in the late '80s
Examples from the Corpus
6 to the (greater) glory of somebody/something formalPRAISE in order to increase the honour that is given to someone or something 为了(增加)某人/某事的荣耀
 The cathedral was built to the greater glory of God.
Examples from the Corpus
7. glory (be) to God/Jesus etc spokenRRC used to say that God deserves praise, honour, and thanks 荣耀归于上帝/耶稣等
a blaze of glory (=when someone or something is praised a lot)
The film opened in a blaze of glory with rave reviews from critics.
somebody's moment of glory
The team's only moment of glory came in the second half of the game.
somebody's dream of glory
His dreams of glory were shattered when he lost to Federer.
bask/bathe in the glory of something (=enjoy the fame and admiration you get)
Challenor basked in the glory of his achievement.
cover yourself in glory (= do something that makes people admire you)
As team captain, he hasn't covered himself in glory.
steal somebody's glory (=do something that makes you more admired than someone else who is doing something similar)
Collins is wonderful, but Shaw steals all the glory with his magnificent performance.
win glory
He wanted to win glory in battle.
bring glory to somebody/something
Locals hope the discovery will bring prosperity and glory to the town.
reflected glory (=fame that you get because you are close to someone who has done something that people admire)
She basked in the reflective glory of her daughter's marriage to such a famous actor.
personal glory
He put the team's interests above any chance of personal glory.
greater glory (=more fame and admiration)
He aimed to bring greater glory to France.
Examples from the Corpus
glory2 verb (gloried, glorying, glories)  
1glory in something phrasal verbphr v ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingto enjoy or be proud of something 因〔某事〕而欣喜[得意]
 She didn’t like to glory in her past victories.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin glory1
(1200-1300) Old French glorie, from Latin gloria




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