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词汇 glance


Word family nounglancingadverbglancinglyverbglance
glance1 /ɡlɑːns $ ɡlæns/ ●●○ verb [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]  
1 LOOK ATto quickly look at someone or something 一瞥,看一眼
glance at/up/down etc
 The man glanced nervously at his watch.
 Wyatt glanced around the restaurant.
 Emily glanced over her shoulder.
see thesaurus at look
2 to read something very quickly 浏览
glance at/through etc
 Can you glance through these figures for me?
In everyday English, people often say take a quick look at/through etc something rather than glance at/through etc something: 在日常英语中,人们常说take a quick look at/through,而不说glance at/through
I took a quick look at my watch.
3glance off (something) phrasal verbphr v 
a) HIT/BUMP INTOto hit a surface at an angle and then move away from it in another direction 击中后弹开,擦过 SYN ricochet
 The bullet had crushed his helmet and glanced off.
b) literary if light glances off a surface, it flashes or shines back from it 〔光〕从反射回来;闪烁 SYN reflect off
 The sun was glancing off the icy tips of gleaming rock.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
glance2 ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 LOOK ATa quick look 一瞥,很快的一看
 He gave her a quick glance and smiled.
sidelong/sideways glance
 She couldn’t resist a sidelong glance (=a look that is not direct) at him.
take/shoot/throw/cast a glance (at somebody) (=look at someone or something quickly) (朝某人)投去一瞥
 The couple at the next table cast quick glances in our direction.
 The brothers exchanged glances (=looked at each other quickly).
2 at a glance 
a) if you know something at a glance, you know it as soon as you see it 看一眼便知道
 He saw at a glance what had happened.
b) in a short form that is easy to read and understand 便于浏览
 Here are our top ten ski resorts at a glance.
Examples from the Corpus
3 at first glance/sight LOOK ATwhen you first look at something 乍一看,最初看到时
 At first glance, the place seemed deserted.
Examples from the Corpus
give something/somebody a glance
He gave Imran a quick glance.
take a glance (also have a glance British EnglishBrE)
She took a quick glance around the office.
cast/throw a glance (=look quickly)
She cast a shy glance toward Shelby.
shoot a glance (=look extremely quickly)
He shot a glance at Ellen, making sure she understood him.
steal a glance (=look quickly and secretly)
Alice stole a quick glance in the mirror to check her hair.
exchange glances (=look at each other quickly)
Mai exchanged glances with Tatsuya.
somebody’s glance falls on something (=someone looks at something)
Geoff’s glance fell on the broken vase.
a quick/brief glance
I had little time for more than a quick glance around the house.
a cursory glance (=a very quick look without much attention to details)
I cast a cursory glance over the clothes.
a fleeting glance (=a very quick look)
Stephen exchanged a fleeting glance with his father.
a backwards glance
He took a quick backwards glance at the house, and then continued walking.
a sidelong/sideways glance (=a way of looking by moving your eyes to the side)
Christina gave her husband a sidelong glance.
a casual glance (=without any serious interest or attention)
The bench would have been difficult to see by a casual glance.
a meaningful glance (=clearly showing what you think)
They exchanged meaningful glances.
a furtive glance (=a quick secret look)
Della gave Chris a furtive glance.
a nervous glance
He shot a nervous glance at his wife.
a warning glance
She cast a warning glance at Elena.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin glance1
(1400-1500) Perhaps from glent to move quickly, shine ((13-19 centuries))




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