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词汇 apple


Word family nounapple polisherapple
Related topics: Food, dish
ap·ple /ˈæpəl/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  
1 apple.jpg DFF[countableC, uncountableU] a hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white inside 苹果
 apple pie
 an apple tree
 roast pork and apple sauce (=a thick sauce made from cooked apples)
cooking apple, eating apple4  See picture of 见图 FRUIT 15 see picture at 见图 fruit1
2 be the apple of somebody’s eye LOVEto be loved very much by someone 是某人的心肝宝贝,是某人的掌上明珠
 Ben was always the apple of his father’s eye.
Examples from the Corpus
3. bob/dunk/dip for apples DGto play a game in which you must use your teeth to pick up apples floating in water 咬苹果〔指用牙齿从水面上叼起苹果的游戏〕
Examples from the Corpus
4. be as American as apple pie used to describe something that is typically American 是地道美国式的
Examples from the Corpus
5. the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree American EnglishAmE used to say that children are usually similar to their parents, especially in a bad way 有其父必有其子
upset the apple cart at upset1, → a rotten apple at rotten1(7), → Adam's apple, Big Apple, the
a juicy green apple
This apple’s really sweet and delicious.
sour/tart (=not at all sweet)
Some people prefer a slightly sour apple.
rotten (=bad, so that the skin goes brown)
There were a few rotten apples lying on the ground.
an eating/dessert apple (=one which is sweet enough to eat)
Use dessert apples for this recipe.
a cooking apple
a baked apple (=one that has been cooked in the oven)
eat an apple
Some people say that you should eat an apple every day.
bite into an apple
Sue bit into her apple with a loud crunch.
munch on an apple (=eat it)
He was munching on an apple.
peel an apple (=remove the skin)
Peel the apples and slice them finely.
core an apple (=remove the middle part containing the seeds)
Core the apples and cut into quarters.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Computers
Applen trademark  
n1. a US computer company whose best-known products include the iPod, iPad, and iPhone
n2. a type of computer made by this company. These machines are regarded as being easy to use, and have a different operating system from PCs. They are usually called ‘Macs’.
Origin apple
Old English æppel




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