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词汇 accept


Word family noun acceptance acceptabilityacceptablenessacceptancyacceptantacceptationaccepteracceptivityacceptoradjective acceptableunacceptable accepted acceptiveverb accept adverb acceptablyunacceptably acceptedly
ac·cept /əkˈsept/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 gift/offer/invitation 礼物/提议/邀请 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do 接受;同意做〔某事〕 OPP refuse
 Rick accepted her offer of coffee.
 He accepted the invitation to stay with us.
 His school reports said that he is always ready to accept a challenge (=agree to do something difficult).
 Please accept this small gift.
 They offered me a job and I accepted.
accept something from somebody
 He accepted a glass of water from Helen.
 He readily accepted her invitation (=accepted it quickly).
In everyday English, when talking about accepting a job, accepting responsibility or blame, or accepting a method of payment, people usually use take: 在日常英语中,表示接受工作、承担责任或接受某种付款方式时,人们一般用take
They offered me the job and I accepted. → They offered me the job and I took it. 他们给我这份工作,我接受了。
When talking about accepting an offer, people often say take someone up on their offer: 表示接受提议时,人们常说take someone up on their offer
He decided to take her up on her offer.
2 situation/problem etc 情况/问题等 [transitiveT] to decide that there is nothing you can do to change a difficult and unpleasant situation or fact and continue with your normal life 忍受,容忍
 He’s not going to change, and you just have to accept it.
5 You need to accept the fact that most of your problems are caused by jealousy.
你要承认这个事实 — 你的问题多数是由嫉妒引起的。
accept that
 We have to accept that this is not an ideal world.
n He can't accept the fact that his problems are his own fault.
3 think SB/STH is good enough 认为某人/某物够好 [transitiveT] to decide that someone has the necessary skill or intelligence for a particular job, course etc or that a piece of work is good enough 〔认为符合要求而〕接受 OPP reject
 Students accepted by Stanford Law School had very high scores on the LSAT.
accept somebody/something as something
 They have accepted him as the representative of the company.
accept somebody/something for something
 Random House accepted the book for publication.
4 become part of a group 成为团体的一部分 [transitiveT] to allow someone to become part of a group, society, or organization, and to treat them in the same way as the other members 接纳 OPP reject
accept somebody as something
 The children gradually began to accept her as one of the family.
accept somebody into something
 It often takes years for immigrants to be accepted into the host community.
5 agree to take/deal with STH 同意接受/处理 [transitiveT]FORGIVE to agree to take or deal with something that someone gives you, or to say that it is suitable or good enough 同意;〔认为合适或足够好而〕接受
 The government has accepted the resignation of a senior army commander.
 Please accept my sincere apologies.
 Sorry, we don’t accept traveller’s cheques.
6 suggestion/advice 建议/忠告 [transitiveT] to decide to do what someone suggests or advises you should do 采纳,接受
 Be prepared to accept the advice of members of staff.
7 believe an explanation/statement 相信解释/陈述 [transitiveT] to agree that what someone says is right or true 相信〔某人的话〕 OPP reject
 She has accepted your explanation as to why you didn’t attend the meeting.
see thesaurus at believe
In more formal English, you say it is accepted that when saying what people generally believe is true:
It is accepted that he was sincere in his claim.
8 accept responsibility/blame for something RESPONSIBLEto admit that you were responsible for something bad that happened 承担某事的责任
 The University will not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen.
Examples from the Corpus
accept an offer
In the end I had to accept his offer of £4,500.
accept an invitation
Are you going to accept their invitation to the wedding?
accept help
Don’t be afraid to accept help if you need it.
accept aid
Egypt gratefully accepted American economic aid.
accept assistance
They were ready to accept French military assistance.
accept a challenge
To protect the environment we must accept some difficult challenges.
accept an award
Miller accepted the award for best comedy show.
accept an opportunity
I wish that I’d accepted the opportunity to retire when it was offered.
accept a gift/present
Accepting presents from him made her feel uncomfortable.
accept a job
She was desperate for money so she accepted the job.
accept a lift British EnglishBrE, accept a ride American English
I had been taught not to accept lifts from strangers.
accept a bribe
The president’s family and friends accepted massive bribes in exchange for official favours.
gladly/willingly/readily accept
She invited him for a drink and he gladly accepted.
gratefully accept
He gratefully accepted Athena’s help.
graciously accept
She accepted her gift graciously.
nGRAMMAR: Comparison
You accept something:
She decided to accept the offer.
I accepted his invitation to have dinner with him.
Don’t say: I accepted to have dinner with him.
You agree to something:
Her parents would never agree to the marriage.
Don’t say: Her parents would never agree the marriage.
You agree to do something:
I agreed to have dinner with him.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
acceptac·cept /əkˈsept/ verb [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
1to take or agree to take something that has been offered
The steel workers have accepted a 3% wage offer.
accept something from somebody
Doctors should not accept expensive gifts from pharmaceutical companies.
2to agree to a plan, idea, agreement etc
The US is ready to accept the deal.
3to agree to take goods that have been ordered
The company has shipped three supercomputers, but only two have been accepted.
4MARKETING when people accept a new product, they like it and are willing to buy it
The machine is too highly priced to be accepted by the mass of US consumers.
5accept cash/dollars/cheques/credit cards etc to allow customers to pay using these forms of payment
Do you accept Visa?
6accept a bill of exchangeBANKING to agree to pay a BILL OF EXCHANGE
7accept a riskINSURANCE to officially agree to insure something
The insurance company reserves the right to make medical checks prior to accepting a risk on health insurance.
Origin accept
(1300-1400) French accepter, from Latin acceptare, from accipere to receive, from ad- to + capere to take




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